
Consequences of Vein Disease


When venous disorders go untreated, a number of complications can occur that can severely limit your lifestyle. In addition to chronic pain and unsightly varicose veins, several serious medical complications can result:

  • - Phlebitis - Recurring episodes of inflammation
  • - Stasis Dermatitis - Rash with dark staining of the skin
  • - Hemosiderosis - Chronic skin discoloration
  • - Lipodermatosclerosis – Hard scarring of the skin and underlying tissue with redness and tenderness
  • - Atrophe Blanche – White circular patch at ankle that is precursor to a true skin ulcer
  • - Ulceration - Development of ulcers, or skin breakdown.

Restless Leg Syndrome

People with restless legs syndrome (RLS) have uncomfortable sensations in their legs and an irresistible urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. The condition causes an uncomfortable "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling in the legs. The sensations are usually worse at rest, especially when lying or sitting.

We offer diagnosis and treatment for restless leg syndrome, which can be vein related. If your RLS is caused by varicose veins, or venous insufficiency, you may be a candidate for specialized treatments that may permanently relieve these symptoms. Please schedule a consultation with us if you are concerned about restless leg syndrome.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Painful neuropathy is often a complication of Diabetes but can also be from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) independent of Diabetes or they can be co-existing causes. In fact, the occurrence of CVI in patients with diabetes is 10 times higher than the occurrence in the general population. CVI is a significant, but also silent disease, often associated with Diabetic Foot Neuropathy. In CVI the veins cannot pump enough blood back to the heart, due to damaged or "incompetent" valves.

Until recently, the only known relief for the symptoms of painful diabetic neuropathy were a variety of medications. Selecting an agent is often challenging. As a result, many patients remain untreated or undertreated, with continuous suffering. When the pain is due to CVI the underlying cause can be permanently treated by endovenous treatements, such as Radiofrequency Ablation or Endovenous Laser Treatment.

Self Assessment

